Sunday, September 12, 2010

Dear Ladies

We are down to the final 8 weeks. Do not worry if you have not been training - I have not been training either!!! I seriously swim a length, rest for about 5 minutes, then swim a length and then rest. Biking is okay, although I have yet to do ANY hills!!! Running is running for about 2 minutes, and then walking for about 2 minutes. This week I am just going to distances - not times (except for the biking and the swimming - when the timer goes off on my little swim timer I am OUT of that water - you think I would have seen a snake in the water I am moving so fast - if only I could move than fast when I am actually swimming!!!) However, this time around, my objective is just to finish, although I think Shari (Rosenberg) might seriously win the whole thing the way she is going:) Go at the Huntsmans Games Shari! I mean seriously ladies, the first time I saw Shari swim, I had done one measly lap (that is going from one end of the pool to the other and back for us newbies), and Shari was worried because she had only swam a MILE, and was tired. A MILE - in my dreams....but she is so fun to visit with and funny to be around, and really dislikes running, so I still love hanging out with her (or rather the idea of hanging out right now because schedules have been so crazy).

In any event, here are a few helpful links to get you started. The first are for pools in the area you might want to consider using for the swim (unless it is a beautiful day and you would want to see something really funny and that is me swimming in circles in the little Waterford Pool - actually it is me swimming one circle resting, and then swimming another circle:)

There is also a link to register!!! I hope by this week we can kind of figure out who is actually going to be doing this. I will post my training times, and then Judi and Shari are going to post their comments as training places and times as well, so you will have a variety of places/times to meet someone to workout with. Don't worry if you are not at the same level. When Judi it running she just laps me, and then takes a slower lap every once in a while so we can visit (by the way won't she be a GREAT Young Women's president:) Shari just swims laps by me as well, so I pretty much just get used to be slow - but hey I CAN ORGANIZE!!!

Future posts will not be so long! Consider this a first, and feel free to post comments as well during the week. I will archive each week on Sunday and post the new week's schedule. This is going to be fun:)

Registration link:

Monday: Bike 30 minutes, Run 2.5 miles
Tuesday: Strength (do any type of your choosing for 20-30 minutes), Run 3.0 miles
Wed: Swim 30 Minutes, Run 2.0 miles
Thursday: Strength (see above)
Friday: Swim 30 minutes
Saturday: Bike 30 minutes, Run 4.5 miles - like that is going to happen:)

I will post my times and places in the morning for Tuesday through Friday. Right now I just wanted to get this out....Try to do the days with 2 things as closely together as possible. However, do not worry if you can't. The important days called "bricks" will be coming in week four. This is doable - remember I am not anywhere near to being able to do any of it, but if I don't do something now, when is it ever going to change. Remember
"It's not too late to become what you were meant to be".

Have fun "tri-ing". Feel free to post your successes and your struggles (humor is always appreciated:). That is why I set up a tri. And wait until you hear my great plans - can nayone say Ragnar (and I am serious:)

Warmest friendship,


Unknown said...

I definitely will not win the whole thing! Candilyn, you are off your rocker to think that! I haven't been doing any running, cuz after a few weeks my knee started really hurting. I'm still walking, biking, swimming, and yoga-ing. The Huntsman Games are in 4 weeks (which means I have only 3 more weeks to learn what I need to for that). I'm 50 and trying to learn how to dive off a block (without losing my goggles), do various kinds of flip turns (different flip turns for different strokes), and then hold my breath long enough to dolphin kick off the wall and travel long distances under water! On my! I'll probably get in the water on race day and forget everything RoseAnn has taught me.

I'm much more anxious about the Huntsman Games than I am the triathlon -- maybe it's because the triathlon is still 2 months away.

Looking forward to all this -- and have really been enjoying the daily activity. Thanks Candilyn for including me!

Candilyn said...


I am SO proud of you! You are going to "rock" the Huntsman Games, no matter what the outcome is. I am doing football stuff tonight, but will post my workout times/places tomorrow evening for the rest of the week. Where are you swimming?